Commercial Testing Laboratories - Neo Science Lab Transformation Journey.

A female quality control lab technician inspecting food quality at lab with microscope


This case study showcases the transformative impacts of implementing Revol LIMS at Neo Science Lab, a premier analytical testing facility in Chennai, India. Despite its advanced equipment and expert staff, Neo Science Lab faced significant operational challenges, including inefficiencies in time management, inventory control, manual operations, client database processing, and calibration and maintenance procedures. To address these issues, Neo Science Lab adopted Revol LIMS, a cloud-based laboratory information management system. This implementation digitized the lab’s operations, enhancing data management and workflow efficiency.

Key deliverables included automated client and order management, comprehensive employee oversight, improved inventory control, and streamlined maintenance and calibration processes. Post-implementation, Neo Science Lab experienced a notable reduction in human errors, increased testing efficiency, and a significant boost in overall productivity. Additionally, the lab enhanced its quality control and compliance, earning more accreditations and certifications. This study underscores the pivotal role Revol LIMS played in driving operational excellence at Neo Science Lab.


Neo Science Lab, located in Chennai, India, is a state-of-the-art analytical testing laboratory. Founded in 2016, this privately-owned entity is dedicated to delivering high-quality, reliable, and honest services. Neo Science Lab specializes in analytical chemistry testing, covering everything from raw materials to final products. The laboratory is fully accredited and environmentally conscious, focusing on scientific advancements, legal developments, and market growth. Its skilled scientists, specialized testing, accreditations, and minimal environmental impact through recognized waste disposal methods distinguish it in the industry. Additionally, Neo Science Lab collaborates with LQM labs on new method development and technology transfer.

Neo Science Lab operates a comprehensive facility that includes a microbiology lab, along with dedicated food and pharmaceutical divisions. The lab employs various national and international methodologies such as IS, FSSAI, APHA, AOAC, AOCS, CDFA, USP, IP, JP, E. Phur, and ISO, all of which comply with EPA, FDA, IMS, and USDA regulations. Analytical techniques used in the lab include spectroscopy, physicochemical analysis, LCMSMS, GCMSMS, ICPMS, and GCHSS. The lab excels in both custom and standard training programs, ensuring high standards in analytical testing and method development.

Challenges Faced:

Despite its many advantages, Neo Science Lab faced several operational challenges that impeded its efficiency and effectiveness:

Time Management and Manual Operations:
The lab’s reliance on manual processes for client and order management led to delays and workflow disruptions. These inefficiencies affected the lab’s ability to process orders promptly and accurately. The manual process also led to significant time wastage in order management, as each order required manual entry, verification, and tracking.

Data Storage and Sample Outcomes:
Manual data storage and sample outcome tracking caused inaccuracies, resulting in potential losses and reduced reliability of test results. These inaccuracies were mainly due to human error during data entry and retrieval processes, which affected the overall quality and reliability of the test outcomes.

Order and Staff Management:
The lack of an automated system for tracking orders and managing staff led to lost orders, client confusion, and increased risk of malpractice due to insufficient oversight. This also created issues with accountability and transparency within the lab, as it was difficult to track who was responsible for specific tasks or errors.

Calibration and Maintenance:
Manual tracking of calibration and preventive maintenance tasks caused instrument malfunctions and technical issues, affecting the lab’s operational continuity and quality control. This was a major issue as timely calibration and maintenance are crucial for the accuracy and reliability of test results.

The Solution:

To overcome these challenges, Neo Science Lab implemented Revol LIMS, a cloudbased laboratory information management system designed to digitize and streamline laboratory operations. The key features and benefits of Revol LIMS included:

Automated Order and Client Management:
The software efficiently manages the entire client database and order tracking, reducing manual errors and streamlining workflows. Clients can place orders online, which are then seamlessly managed by the system. This automation significantly reduced the time required to process orders and eliminated errors associated with manual entry.

Comprehensive Employee Oversight:
Revol LIMS tracks employee attendance, leave, and payroll, preventing malpractice and saving time by automating these processes. This ensured that employee activities were monitored in real-time, reducing the risk of malpractice and increasing accountability.

Enhanced Inventory Control:
The system efficiently manages inventory, minimizing waste and optimizing resource use. This ensures that the lab always has the necessary materials on hand without overstocking. The automated inventory management system also provided real-time updates on stock levels, helping in better planning and procurement.

Streamlined Calibration and Maintenance:
Revol LIMS tracks calibration and preventive maintenance tasks, reducing instrument downtime and ensuring quality control. The system schedules maintenance activities in advance, preventing technical issues. This proactive approach to maintenance ensured that all instruments were always in optimal condition, reducing the risk of malfunctions.

Customizable Reporting:
The software generates reports in various formats, including Word, Excel, and PDF, improving data accessibility and compliance with regulatory standards. This feature made it easier for the lab to prepare and submit reports to clients and regulatory bodies, ensuring transparency and compliance.


The implementation of Revol LIMS led to significant improvements at Neo Science Lab, including:

Reduction in Manual Processes and Errors:
Automated systems decreased manual intervention, minimizing errors and malpractice. The lab experienced a more efficient workflow and improved accuracy in data management. This reduction in manual processes also allowed the lab staff to focus more on core activities, enhancing overall productivity.

Better Inventory and Instrument Management:
Efficient inventory control and proactive maintenance reduced losses and ensured operational continuity. The lab could manage its resources more effectively, leading to cost savings. The real-time updates on inventory and automated maintenance schedules ensured that there were no unexpected downtimes or delays.

Improved Workflow and Efficiency:
Streamlined processes enhanced staff productivity and testing efficiency, allowing for more samples to be processed within time constraints. This resulted in faster turnaround times for clients, improving client satisfaction and retention. The lab could handle a higher volume of work without compromising on quality.

Enhanced Quality Control and Compliance:
Improved adherence to protocols and utilization of ISO 17025 methods increased quality and compliance, earning additional certifications and accreditations. This bolstered the lab’s reputation and credibility in the industry. The lab's ability to comply with stringent regulatory standards also opened up new business opportunities.


The implementation of Revol LIMS marked a transformative advancement, turning inefficiencies into streamlined, productive workflows. By automating order management, employee oversight, inventory control, and maintenance, Revol LIMS not only minimized human errors but also significantly boosted overall productivity and client satisfaction. Analytics and dashboards within Revol LIMS strengthened the management by enabling them to make substantial cost savings, enhance quality control and ensure compliance with regulatory standards, supporting the lab’s credibility and market position. With increased accreditations and certifications, Neo Science Lab is now ready to expand its service offerings and seize new business opportunities. The lab established Revol LIMS as the backbone of its operations. For laboratories aiming to achieve unparalleled success, Revol LIMS is the definitive solution.

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