Maximizing GLens Innovation Laboratory Potential with Revol LIMS

A female quality control lab technician inspecting food quality at lab with microscope


GLens Innovation Labs is a Chennai-based state-of-the-art laboratory providing a full range of environmental consulting & testing services to municipal, industrial, household & private concerns.

The company has been consistently providing quality service since its inception in 2018, with the mission of holistic quality analytical services in the field of Environment, Food, Water and Material Testing to assess their quality and impact on health and the environment.

Equipped with high-end analytical equipment and skilled scientific staff they are pioneers in the field of real-time monitoring system services such as Gap audit and analysis, stratification study, calibration and performance tests.


GLens labs are using traditional means of documentation for managing laboratory operations like scheduling site visit, collection of samples from field, tracking the sample, transport and equipment details, and spending much time in logging the samples manually, hence they are required to automate the process of testing, tracking of samples, and quality control.

Preparation of quotations and invoices in the desired format and also generating custom CoAs as per the state guidelines and customer requirements was complicated. Faced difficulties in checking instruments availability, instrument check-in and checkout details.

Also, there was no option to enter the sample results at sampling location and transfer the details into the system. They are also struggling to manage all the employee leave details, Pay Slip, TDS and expense claim details.

Therefore, they were planning on a cost-effective Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and HRMS to streamline operations, for effective inventory management, to generate custom CoA reports for clients and to comply with ISO 17025.

How Revol LIMS Became the Right Partner?

  • Revol LIMS enables compliance with ISO 17025. Revol LIMS - Lab Sales Force offers the possibility to generate your own quotes based on standard or customized pricing. Customizable electronic signature circuits allow for validation and automatic emailing. Now Glen lab can track the order status more efficiently and will capture all necessary data.

  • Filed visit scheduling, collecting samples and tracking the information about the samples became very easy for Glen labs with Revol LIMS Scheduler options

  • Scheduler allows the scheduling registration of AMC- samples based on specific dates or dates built from the classifiers of years, months, weeks, and days together with times. This too is very useful in automation of laboratory functions.

  • Glens is able to more efficiently manage customer information and associate samples with the customers who provided the samples, ensuring the right samples are associated with the right customers. Glens is able to mirror their storage inventory using virtual storage units in LIMS, record storage specifications received from their customers, and locate samples stored in storage units with ease. Manage and track samples more efficiently, capture all necessary data, and generate barcodes. Revol LIMS helps Glens to quickly trace samples stored anywhere in their repository in a few clicks.

  • Revol LIMS HRMS offers a complete solution to manage their employee details, leaves, pay slip, auto TDS calculation and expense claim details. Now Glen's lab is not spending much time managing the pay slip generation and sending and all the expense tracking and it completely reduced the employee working time and eliminated the manual errors.

  • With Revol LIMS Accounts module functionalities Glens is able to generate the invoices in the desired format, Sending invoices to clients through Revol LIMS - Email services and they can track the payment details against the invoices.

  • Revol LIMS-Inventory turned out to be the right fit due to its multiple features like Placing Material Requests, Internal Delivery, Placing PO requests, Receiving Goods and tracking the status etc. Invoices and delivery notes could also be directly linked and generated from the app, which was an added advantage. Revol LIMS helps Glen labs to quickly trace stocks stored anywhere in their repository in a few clicks, saving time and effort.

  • Also, helps in managing stocks and assigning automatic reorder alerts; Reorder thresholds are set for each item and when these are reached an e-mail notification is sent to the appropriate individual for reorder.

  • By using a Revol LIMS, Glen innovation lab is able to efficiently manage their instrument availability, check-in and checkout details.

  • Email notification and alerts will be sent on completion of lab processes like Sample Logging, Sample Receiving, Result Entry, Validation, Result Approval, and CoA Report Generation. Also, notification will be sent to the respective people when the stock quantity is reached to threshold limit. It helps Glen innovation labs to complete the process within timeline and maintain the stock level.

  • Revol LIMS team configured custom CoA templates as per Glen innovation lab's reporting requirements. These templates helped them generate CoAs in the required format by providing minimal inputs. Glen labs is now able to offer more comprehensive and personalized storage and CoA reports to its customers.

  • Revol LIMS implementation helped Glens Innovation Labs improve the company's operations, ranging from sample and test management, shorter turnaround times, automated workflow management, custom CoA generation, and CoA delivery to clients in real-time.

  • Benefits Gained by Glens Innovation Labs

  • Reduced paper usage by digitizing processes, thereby turning more eco-friendly
  • They can generate the Quotation and Invoices in the desired format.
  • They are now able to schedule their site visit.

  • They are now able to accession incoming samples by simply scanning sample labels, saving time, and preventing chances of manual errors.

  • They can manage tests and multi-analytic test results with ease.

  • They are now able to automate workflows, manage staff training and instrument maintenance records, store SOPs and documents digitally and securely, and monitor data in real-time.

  • They can now assure the quality and reliability of test results using Revol LIMS's built-in quality management system.

  • They can now easily manage and track the client details for each sample.

  • They can now manage inventory stock details, and track the stored stocks.

  • They can now manage instrument availability, check in and check out details.

  • They can now easily comply with ISO 17025, and follow stringent documentation and quality requirements.

  • They can now enter the sample results at sampling location (On site Result Entry) and transfer the details into the system.

  • They can now configure multiple approvers to validate their test results.

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