Forensic LIMS

Enhances and Automates your Forensic Laboratory Data Management and Quality

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A Secure Solution for the Forensic Industry

The forensic industry is one of the most critical and sensitive sectors in the world, providing scientific evidence and analysis for various legal and criminal cases. However, the industry also faces many challenges, such as complex workflows, diverse data formats, and strict requirements. To overcome these challenges, the industry needs a reliable and efficient software system that can help them manage their laboratory work. That system is Revol LIMS.

Revol LIMS is a web based laboratory information management system (LIMS) that is designed to meet the specific needs and requirements of the forensic industry. Revol LIMS can help forensic laboratories manage their evidence, cases, and reports.

Features and benefits of Revol LIMS for the forensic industry

Evidence Management

Revol LIMS can help forensic laboratories track and manage evidence from when they are collected to when they are disposed. Revol LIMS can also help give unique identifiers to evidence, such as barcodes or RFID tags, to make sure they are easy to find and identify. Revol LIMS can also help manage evidence storage locations, amounts, conditions, movements, etc.

Case Management

Revol LIMS can help forensic laboratories handle case information, such as case number, case type, case status, case description, etc. Revol LIMS can also help link evidence to cases, as well as assign cases to analysts or teams. Revol LIMS can also help manage case workflows and tasks, such as sample preparation, analysis, review, approval, etc.

Report Management

Revol LIMS can help forensic laboratories generate reports on evidence and cases using different formats and templates, such as PDF, Excel, Word, etc. Revol LIMS can also help customize reports according to user preferences or requirements. Revol LIMS can also help send or email reports to different people or places.

Chain of Custody

Revol LIMS can help forensic laboratories ensure chain of custody by recording and tracking all actions and changes made on evidence and cases. Revol LIMS can also help verify the identity and authority of the people who handle evidence and cases using different methods and techniques, such as barcode scanning, electronic signature, biometric authentication, etc. Revol LIMS can also help provide an audit trail of all activities and events in the system.


Revol LIMS can help forensic laboratories ensure security by protecting their data from unauthorized access or modification. Revol LIMS can also help encrypt data using different methods and techniques. Revol LIMS can also help backup data and restore data in case of any loss or damage.


Revol LIMS can help forensic laboratories achieve accreditation by complying with the rules and laws of different countries or organizations. Revol LIMS can also help follow the guidelines and criteria of different bodies or agencies, such as ISO 17025, ANSI-ASQ, FQS-I, etc. Revol LIMS can also help validate and verify the system and its functions.

Revol lims solution for Forensic industry

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